One project nearly every miniature painter needs to tackle at some point is
painting human/elf/dwarf flesh. If you are new to the task, likely you'll
ask your friends or aquaintences online what recipes they use, and for
nearly everyone you ask, you may get a different answer. With miniature
painting's broad online presance, many time these folks who answer you
back may not be local to you, and they may not have examples of how their
recipes look available online. If you are an experienced painter with a
favorite recipe or two of your own, the desire to branch out, create variety
in your miniatures collection, or just try for something different, can be
beset by the same difficulties. Even looking at the pictures of the bottles
online or in your local store doesn't really give you an idea of what they
may look like all mixed and blended together on your favortie miniature.
In an effort to give people a bit more information on which to make these
decisions I have collected a number of flesh recipes using some of the most
commonly used and widely available paint brands, and present them here for
your reference. Please note this is not intended to be a HowTo on techniques
for painting flesh. There are many tutorials out there that do that topic
justice better than I could. I assume for the most part that you have your
own techniques worked out; This is merely for a visual reference on the way
colors look together. If you're a serious blender, or a stripe/block
painter, you should be able to extrapolate how things will look using your
method from my examples.
While I have provided 4 pictures of each recipe, there may be more than 4
layers present. I tried to paint these at a consistent table-top quality,
which for me means that I'll usually mix the base and the main color a couple times
in different proportions, so between Color 1 and Color 2 there might actually
be 3 or 4 layers instead of just 2. That is just my style of
painting. The pictures however are the milestones, or keyframes if you like,
of where things reached the color of the next bottle.
Paint Color Legend
VG: Vallejo Game Color
VM: Vallejo Model Color
GW: Citadel/Games WorkShop
P3: Privateer Press
AC: Andrea Color
WF: Wargames Foundry
DC: Delta Ceramcoat
Note: Delta Ceramcoat is probably the exception to the 'widely available'
clause above, as I believe it is only available in the US. It is ubiquitous
in US craft stores however, so I feel it is worth including. It is a cheap
craft paint, similar to those sold in the UK and EU. I believe the popular
UK analog is Anita's.
If you wish to find a color analog to any of the paints listed here I
reccomend a trip over to the most excellent Paint Line Match
project, provided by Silicon Dragons.
On to the pictures!
The 1st 3 images each show the figure at the 'pure' stage of the color
listed. In the 4th image I've blocked in the rest of the figure in black to
clean up the look, and then done some shading with inks and washes and
possibly an extra highlight if I felt like it, to show
how the recipe looks with a little finish. For most of these this was the
base color and a mix of smoke/brown inks.